报告人:Dr. Lokendra Pal
Abstract: Recent breakthroughs in print technologies such as flexible hybrid electronics and 3D printing offer opportunities for the next-generation of smart products to sustainably support the future growth in consumption. Continued development in bio-based materials and electronics printing are very likely to pave the way for developing low cost, flexible, light weight, green, and smart products. This presentation will cover a number of ongoing developments for the facile and efficient fabrication of flexible-hybrid printed electronics utilizing bio-based materials and green processing methods. Applications of electrically conducting multi-scale cellulose-based composites and membranes for sensors, electrodes, and smart packaging will be highlighted.
r. Lokendra Pal is an Associate Professor in the Department of Forest Biomaterials at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA. He has over 14 years of professional experience in managing and collaborating with industrial partners worldwide. Before joining NC State, he spent 9 years working with Hewlett-Packard Company leading new product research and development programs. Dr. Pal has filed 38 patent applications and been granted 23 patents. He obtained his Ph.D. in Paper and Imaging Science and Engineering from Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI. He is a certified Lean Six Sigma (LSS) Black Belt. Dr. Pal research group is focused on developing sustainable and functional bioproducts, delivering top-class hygiene, smart packaging, and flexible electronics/3D printable materials and products that benefit society as well as the environment.
Lokendra Pal, Associate Professor, North Carolina State University, Dept. of Forest Biomaterials, Campus Box 8005, Raleigh, NC 27695, USA, lokendra.pal@ncsu.edu, Phone +1 (919) 513 6622